If you own a home, it makes sense to invest the time and effort to maintain what will likely be the costliest investments you ever make. Summer is quickly drawing to a close, but there is still time to get a few projects done if you’d like to wrap them up before fall or at least before winter. In addition to Truckee, CA window blinds, there are other projects you can take on. Here’s a look at some of the things you can roll up your sleeves and get done in no time flat.
Window Blinds
Window coverings are a relatively inexpensive way that you can immediately improve the look of a room. The great news is that they’re not only an affordable home improvement option, but also pretty easy to install on your own. Window blinds are available at different price points, in different styles, in different colors, and more. You’ll be able to block out light when you want to, help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, and more. You might be surprised at the wide variety of window blinds available today. Head to a window covering company showroom to take a look at the options. You’ll be duly impressed by what you see.
Stain the Deck
Have you been putting off a project to stain your back deck or front porch? Now is a great time to get your stain, brushes, and other materials from a big box store. It can be hard sometimes to find the time to get everything done, but giving yourself a fall deadline might get you motivated enough to finally tackle a project that you might have been putting off. You’ll definitely be pleased once the project is done since a stained deck will up the look of your home, and this will increase your pride of homeownership.
Power Wash the Siding
When is the last time that you power washed the siding of your home? If it has been a while since you’ve done so, the siding is likely dingy and grimy. Why not take on the project before the fall? If you don’t have a power washer, borrow one or rent one. It’s worth the effort, and your home will look a whole lot better after you’ve power washed all the siding.
These are just a small handful of projects that you can take on before the fall. While you can hire someone to do it for you, they are simple enough tasks that most DIY types can handle. Are you interested in taking on a window covering project? Get in touch with us at DLUX Window Coverings for your Truckee, CA window blinds. Of course, we don’t only sell blinds, so let us know what window coverings interest you the most. Better yet, stop by our showroom at 10001 Soaring Way Ste 120, Truckee, CA 96161. You can stop by, see our window coverings, speak with our sales associates, and more. Give us a call at (530) 550-0183 for the help you need.