Are you in the market for window coverings? While there may be times when you know that you definitely need some, there are instances when you might simply do it because you want to. A professional Truckee, CA window covering company will have plenty of options for you to look through. Again, you don’t need a special reason to get window coverings, but what follows is a look at some of the reasons why you might want to consider investing in an upgrade.
You’ve Put in Replacement Windows
If you pursue a replacement window project, it might be a good idea to upgrade your window coverings. That’s by no means a requirement. But many people decide that they don’t want to pair their new replacement windows with old window coverings. So making the investment to replace one or more of your windows might warrant getting new window coverings to complete the look. When you consider how cost-effective window coverings are – especially compared to what replacement windows costs – you can appreciate the value proposition of upgrading.
You’re Selling Home
Do you intend to put your home up for sale? You may want to take on a few projects beforehand to make your home a hotter commodity on the market. One way you can do this is to install window coverings. This can be an inexpensive way to improve the overall look of your home. There are lots of different options to consider like window shutters, shades, and blinds. So you won’t run out of option if you’d like to increase the overall attractiveness of your residence.
Your Old Window Coverings the Worse for Wear
A good reason to upgrade your window coverings is if the ones you already have in place are old and tattered. You don’t want to have your window coverings detract from the look of your home. And when you consider how reasonably priced window coverings are, you can appreciate how you can remedy the problem with a small investment.
You Want to Go a Different Direction Style-Wise
Perhaps your old window coverings are just fine – but they may no longer exude the style you want. That’s a perfectly good reason to buy new window coverings. If you have blinds but have recently exchanged the carpet in your living room for hardwood flooring, you might want to change the window coverings from, say, blinds to, say, plantation wood shutters for a more elegant look.

When you’re ready to get window coverings in Truckee, CA for your home, DLUX Window Coverings is the only company you need to contact. Get in touch with us when you need us and we’ll help you in any way we can. We sell window shades, window shutters, motorized shades, blinds, vertical solutions, custom drapery, roman shades, and specialty shapes, and skylights. For the help you need, call us, visit us, or check out our website at Our gallery showrooms are open by appointment, with face masks required in response to COVID-19 pandemic protocols. We’ll help you get the right window coverings for your home.